STRINGS (or STRÄNGAR in Swedish) is an animated short film that I worked on together
with my classmates at Sörängens folkhögskola's animation education program
during a five week period during spring 2023.
My roles on the project was production coordinator, storyboard artist, animation supervisor,
background artist, musician, editor and... Animator.
On this page, I will showcase the scenes I animated, cleaned and colored for the film.
If you are interested in watching STRINGS, the whole short film can be seen right here!
NOTE: The backgrounds are blank because I was not responsible for them.
Also, I am not responsible for the great character designs, it was a collaborative effort by my dear classmates!
''Rickard. My office... Now!''
Nervous Rickard at the boss' office.
''What?... A promotion?''
Rickard tries to reach his beloved (invisible) violin, but his strings pulls him back.
He accidentally hits a big (invisible) pile of papers so they fall to the ground.
Rickard tunes his violin carefully
A string breaks, so does his mental state.
In his psychosis, his strings pulls him up to the sky
''I quit!''